By Thea Brick, January 2023
In the prior chapters we've used tuples as a method to carry around multiple, distinct pieces of information. Using tuples for this is perfectly reasonable for simple programs or places where we are only passing around a couple of things, but often we need to handle much more than a couple things. We may also want to convey information about what is being passed in (for readability).
The Type
To support this, SML provides the record type, which can be thought of as a labeled tuple. This means we can have a record of any length1 but each field has an additional label that we can use for accessing it (rather than just using the position). Here's an example of creating and using one:
type version = { id : int, name : string, date : string }
Any value of the version
type must have the fields id : int
name : string
, and date : string
importantly with no additional fields. We
may already see why this may be desired. If we had just used a tuple (e.g.
int * string * string
) then there is no distinction (without documentation)
between the name
and the date
You don't need to use a type declaration to define a record though. You can use it anywhere, just like a tuple.
datatype 'a tree = Empty
| Node of { left : 'a tree, value : 'a, right : 'a tree }
val example : { tree : int tree, size : int } = (* omitted *)
The Expression
To create values of these record types, we follow a very similar syntax:
val version : version = {id=150, name="SMLhelp", date="Oct 23"}
Every field must be defined in order for the type to match (with no additional ones), but the ordering does not matter.
Now that we have these records how do we use them. There are two methods to go
about this, accessors and pattern-matching. An accessor is simply the #
the name of the field desired immediately after2. For instance:
val getName : version -> string = fn version => #name version
Alternatively we can pattern-match instead. There are numerous different ways to pattern match, which you can use for various situations. For instance, the most basic method is as follows:
val getName : version -> string =
fn {name = n, id = i, date = d} => n
We don't care about the id
and date
fields for this function, so we can use
to omit those any field we don't care about from our record pattern:
val getName : version -> string = fn {name = n, ...} => n
Finally, name
is the name of our field, but it would also be fine as the name
for our variable. So we can not include an =
s and SML will bind the field to a
variable of the same name:
val getName : version -> string = fn {name, ...} => name
The Pitfalls
From above, we have the following declaration:
val getName : version -> string = fn version => #name version
You may see this and think "hmmm... I can simplify this a bit," And write something along the lines of:
val getName = fn v => #name v
val getName = fn {name, ...} => name (* alternatively *)
If you try and compile this, you'll get a type error, specifically an
"unresolved flex record," SML is able to determine what the getName
should take in a record with at least the field name
, but it can't infer
anything else. It could reasonably be { name : 'a }
{ name : 'a, id : 'b}
, or
{ name : 'a, id : 'b, ijoergnq : 'c list list list}
, or any other
possibility. The getName
function can only be one type, so this isn't allowed.
There are two common workarounds for this. This first is just to annotate your
types! If we specifically say getName
must take in a value of type version
then there is no abiguity, so no error. The other workaround involves wrapping
a record in a constructor, which enforces the type of the record. To implement
this we might change our code to the following:
datatype version = Version of { id : int, name : string, date : string }
val getName = fn Version v => #name v
Thus, we know what fields v
has, since the type can be infered by the
constructor it is associated with.