Productivity and Coinduction
By Thea Brick, April 2023
With lazy programming we've seen how we can encode infinite data structures into SML. With these new structures, we'd like to be able to safely use them and prove things about them, but as we will see, there are some interesting quirks that we must address to do so.
Lazy Filtering Problems
In the past section we've looked at lazylist
s, defined as (with some
datatype 'a lazylist = Nil | Cons of 'a * (unit -> 'a lazylist)
(* some helper functions for making lazylists *)
fun gen_zeros () = Cons(0, gen_zeros)
fun gen_nats x = Cons(x, fn () => gen_nats (x + 1))
val onefifty = Cons(1, fn () => Cons (5, fn () => Cons (0, fn () => Nil)))
val zeros = gen_zero () (* infinite lazylist of zeros *)
val nats = gen_nats 0 (* infinite lazylist of all natural numbers *)
Now that we've seen how to construct these lazylist
s we might want to try to
write some higher order functions, just as we might have for list
s. For
instance, here is an implementation of filter
for lazylist
fun lazyFilter (p : 'a -> bool) (Nil : 'a lazylist) = Nil
| lazyFilter p (Cons (x, xs)) =
if p x
then Cons (x, fn () => lazyFilter p (xs ()))
else lazyFilter p (xs ())
This is great, now we can filter potentially infinite lists. Except, now we've encountered an issue. What if our filter doesn't accept anything?
val Nil = lazyFilter (fn _ => false) onefifty
val ? = lazyFilter (fn _ => false) zeros
Filtering onefifty
turns out to be fine, we eventually run out of elements and
simply evaluate to Nil
. Filtering zeros
is where things become problematic.
Our filter function will keep searching for an element that satisfies p
doesn't exist), but since zeros
is infinite, this process will never stop, and
our function will loop forever! And if that wasn't bad enough, we can do other
weird things:
val lessThan5 = lazyFilter (fn x => x < 5) nats
This evaluates to a value rather than looping forever, but we aren't out of
trouble yet. If we try and look at the element after 4
in lessThan5
, then we
suddenly loop forever again (as we cannot find any element satisfying the
Ideally, we don't want our functions to (seemingly) randomly loop forever on
some lazylist
inputs. So how do we ensure that this won't be an issue? The
answer is to introduce the idea of productivity.
We say that a lazylist
, L
is productive if L
evaluates to either:
.Cons (x, L')
whereL' ()
is productive (for somex
Essentially, we are guaranteeing that L
and any sub-lazylist
s don't loop
forever (or raise exceptions) when we try to look at their elements. This is
great, now we can start requiring that inputs to our functions give productive
s and that our functions output productive lazylist
But how do we know that some lazylist
is productive? We can see that
is productive, since Nil
is productive, meaning
Cons (0, fn () => Nil)
is productive, and so on. How do we know that zeros
and nats
are both productive? We can inspect them and maybe judge that they
should be productive, but this is prone to errors and isn't really rigorous.
Instead we should prove that they productive.
Our first attempt at this might be to use induction. We set Nil
as our base
case, and our inductive case would be Cons (x, L')
for some values x
, and
. Our inductive hypothesis would be that the L' ()
is productive. This may
appear fine at first, but consider a lazylist
like nats
: there's no base
case in sight (or we have to go through an infinite number of Cons
's to get
to one)!
If the problem with using induction here isn't the clearest, that's okay! Consider a simpler example: the natural numbers but extended with an infinite element (meaning 'zero' with an infinite number of successors, ""'s, applied to it). We'll call these numbers co-natural numbers.
Let's try and prove the claim "All co-natural numbers are finite" by induction. Well, 0 is clearly finite, and if n is finite, then n + 1 is also finite. QED. This is a great induction proof, but hopefully you can see the problem, we haven't considered at all. This is why our traditional induction falls short on infinite datatypes, like
Coinduction and Corecursion
Induction relies on constructing an object by looking at the basic building
block(s) that the input could be, the base case(s), and building them upwards,
the inductive case(s). For instance, a list has the basic building blocks of
and can build upwards using ::
. So when we write a proof using we have a
base case of []
and an inductive case of ::
. Similarly, when we are writing
a function that recurses over an input list, we pattern match on the list into
the two possible constructors.
Coinduction is the opposite of this (that's what the "co-" prefix means). Instead of considering how we construct the inputs to a function, we instead consider how we deconstruct the outputs. Another way to think of it is we have an observation of the state of the object and we describe how we could "change" the object for future states.
Let's make this notion of destruction more clear for lazylist
s. For
simplicity, let's only worry about infinite lazylist
s since that is what we
are interested in studying anyway (so no need to worry about the Nil
fun head (Nil : 'a lazylist) : 'a = raise Fail "Unimplemented"
| head (Cons (x, _)) = x
fun tail (Nil : 'a lazylist) : 'a lazylist = raise Fail "Unimplemented"
| tail (Cons (_, xs)) = xs ()
Our function head
and tail
defines two ways to deconstruct a lazylist
if you prefer, two ways to get to a future state). The head
deconstructor (or
co-constructor) evaluates to the head of the lazylist
(if it exists).
Likewise, the tail
produces the next lazylist
Now let's rewrite our lazyFilter
explicitly using these deconstructors:
(* REQUIRES: `ll` is an infinite lazylist *)
fun lazyFilter' (p : 'a -> bool) (ll : 'a lazylist) : 'a lazylist =
val x = head ll
if p x then
Cons (x, fn () =>
(* This is only evaluated if someone called tail on the
* outer lazylist: `Cons (x, fn () => ...) *)
lazyFilter' p (tail ll)
else lazyFilter' p (tail ll)
Notice that our function is defining what it should do in terms of the
output deconstructors head
and tail
. We don't case on the input to the
function, we are casing on the output behaviour. Specifically, it defines that:
head (lazyFilter' p ll)
evaluates tox
wherep x
is truetail (lazyFilter' p ll)
evaluates toll'
is the filteredtail
according top
You might notice a parallel in this definition to what we've seen before.
Specifically, it seems like head (...)
is our base case, and tail (...)
our inductive case, with an inductive hypothesis of ll'
. Except since we are
doing coinduction, it is instead a coinductive case and a coinductive
Proving Productivity
Now that we've at least established what coinduction is, let's use it to prove productivity! For this example, we'll consider the following function:
(* REQUIRES: `ll` is an infinite lazylist *)
fun lazymap (f : 'a -> 'b) (ll : 'a lazylist) : 'b lazylist =
val hd = head ll
Cons (f hd, fn () => lazymap f (tail ll))
The theorem we want to show is as follows:
Theorem: For all types t1
, t2
, for all infinite ll : t1 lazylist
are values, and for all total function values f : t1 -> t2
lazymap f ll
evaluates to a value LL
where LL
is productive.
Remember, for a lazylist
to be productive it must evaluate to either Nil
Cons (x, ll')
where ll' ()
is productive (where x
is the leading element
in the lazylist
). Since we are only considering infinite lists we don't need
to worry about the Nil
Using our deconstructors, we can rewrite our notion of productivity to say that
a lazylist
is productive if head ll
evaluates to x
(for some x
) and
tail ll
evalautes to a productive lazylist.
Proof: Fix t1
, t2
to be types and f : t1 -> t2
to be a total function
value. We proceed by co-induction on ll
Co-IH: lazymap f (tail ll)
is a productive lazylist
WTS: lazymap f ll
is a productive lazylist
By the Co-IH, lazymap f (tail ll)
is productive. Therefore, we have that
head LL
evaluates to a value x
and tail LL
evaluates to a productive
stream (lazymap f (tail ll)
). So, lazymap f ll
is productive!
This is a weird proof, so it is understandable if you don't grasp all the
nuisances, they aren't too important for our purposes. To try and intuit what
the proof is doing, we are showing that two sides simulate each other. One
side is our lazymap
function and the other side is our productivity
definition. We are showing that if we start in equivalent states and step one
side (e.g. the lazymap
function) that we can simulate the other side (e.g. the
productivity definition), and vice-versa. This idea is called bisimulation
(which we won't explore further) and encodes the reasoning why we don't need to
look at the entire stream.