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By Brandon Wu, May 2020

Lists are the SML type of ordered collections of objects. Notably, you can create lists of any kind of object, so int list, string list, and bool list are all valid types. list on its own is a type constructor (meaning that it makes new types out of old types), so it is not a valid type by itself, however. Lists are not, however, the same as arrays - they do not have constant-time access to any given index of the list. Indeed, they are best thought of as not analogous to arrays in other languages at all. Instead, you only have access to the elements located at the very beginning of the list, the head. Additionally, lists are more restricted than data structures in some other languages - a given list has a fixed type for its elements. All of the elements in a list must be of the same type. For the purposes of this document, we will discuss only int lists.


We write lists as a sequence of integers, separated by commas, all enclosed with two square brackets. So then we have valid int lists as [1, 2, 3], [1, 5, 1, 5, 0], and [], with the latter representing the empty list. We also refer to the empty list as nil (in addition, you can type nil instead of [] in code).

The other essential component to lists is what is known as the :: operator, referred to as "cons". Cons can be used as a constructor for any fixed type of list, so we say that for any given type t:

(op ::) : t * t list -> t list

Cons takes in a value v of type t and t list, and prepends v to the front of the given list. For ints in particular, we have that 1 :: [2, 3] steps to [1, 2, 3]. Additionally, cons is right-associative. This means that in a continuous stream of applications of cons, they are evaluated from right-to-left. This means that 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: [] is implicitly denoting 1 :: (2 :: (3 :: [])), as the calls to cons associate to the right. So, similarly to before, a 1 :: [2, 3], [1, 2, 3], and 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: [] are exactly equivalent, and denote the same list.

Cons is also a constructor, meaning that it can be used to pattern match and deconstruct lists. As such, we can write basic functions to compute the length of a list as follows:

(* length : int list -> int *)
(* REQUIRES: true *)
(* ENSURES: length L ==> the length of L *)
fun length ([] : int list) : int = 0
| length (x::xs : int list) : int = 1 + length xs

Given a non-empty list, this function simply binds the first element of the list to the identifier x, discards it, and then recursively calls length to find the length of the remaining list xs, adding 1 to the result.

The definition of an int list thus corresponds to:

datatype int list = [] | :: of int * int list

where an int list can either be the empty list [], or it can be :: of a first element and the rest of the list (where :: is an infix operator, so instead of being written as ::(x, xs), we have x :: xs). Note that this is not actually valid syntax, but you can think of the definition of int lists in this way.


Compared to other data structures, lists seem to have numerous disadvantages. As mentioned previously, they do not possess constant-time indexing like arrays in other languages - there is no way to instantly get the ith element of a list easily. Instead, you must "cons off" all the elements in front of that item in order to retrieve it - if you want to remove that item from the list, then you have to put the preceding elements back as well (and in the right order!). Lists are also inherently sequential - you cannot access multiple elements at one time.

The reason why we choose lists is that they have very nice mathematical properties. These "disadvantages" in the previous paragraph become strengths, when viewed in a certain manner. Lists are powerful for their simple, inductive definition (as shown in the previous section), which is sufficiently powerful to characterize many important principles in this class. Additionally, they are persistent, meaning that they cannot be mutated - any change to a list simply creates a new one instead, which is a very desirable property to have in functional programs. Though the interfacing behavior with these lists is limited, we will write programs where this limitation matters less. Our hope is that, throughout this course, you can begin to see that there is an elegance in simplicity.

[Case Study: Sorted Lists]

Sorting is an important principle in computer science. Whether it's binary search trees or cataloguing data, sorting is a very prevalent concept when it comes to making algorithms more efficient. It's not always the most easy to reason about, however - how would you be able to formally prove that a sorting algorithm works? In this regard, lists turn out to have some very nice properties.

Definition : Sorted Int Lists

  1. [] : int list is sorted.
  2. The singleton int list is sorted.
  3. If L : int list is sorted, then if x : int is less than or equal to the first element of L, then x :: L is sorted.

This definition is naturally inductive, and follows very easily from the definition of sorting. In addition, it goes hand-in-hand with how we define lists - building them up from smaller parts one-by-one. Seen in this way, reasoning about and proving whether a list is sorted becomes very easy.


We have seen that cons is essential for constructing lists, and for deconstructing the constituent elements that comprise a given list. What about when dealing with multiple lists? We might want to combine the elements from several lists at once. A standard function for doing so is called the @ operator, or "append".

infix @
fun ([] : int list) @ (R : int list) : int list = R
| (l::ls : int list) @ (R : int list) : int list = l :: (ls @ R)

(Note that this is valid syntax to declare an infix function @, it just looks a little different than what we've seen thus far. In this case, we put the function name between the arguments).

This function essentially just takes off all the elements from the left list, then begins to add them back onto the right list. It is also infix, which means that the result of [1, 2] @ [3, 4] is [1, 2, 3, 4], and in the function's code, ls @ R just means the resulting list from appending ls to R.

Questions to Consider

  1. In the code above, why does @ not reverse the left list?

  2. How might you inductively define a list whose elements all satisfy some property P?

  3. Write an SML function that reverses a list.